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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

A slow sand water Filter is used in many developing countries for treating raw water to yield a usable product. This water filtration formula uses biological processes to clean water without using pressure. Here in the United States we use carbon and sub micron filtration to yield potable water.

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

The benefit of a slow sand water Filter is they want wee or no mechanical power. Developing countries without electricity find this a valuable law to help give clean water to the poor who would otherwise not have drinking water. So in a country like Afghanistan who has a very high rate of child mortality, due to diarrhea from poor drinking water, a home a water Filter using sand is very beneficial.

Even though here in the U.S. A water firm filters our water before it gets to our home, reports show there is still contamination in our water. Thus we have a need to use a home water-purifying system.

The home water treatMent systems ready to us are found in many home improveMent market or over the Internet. We don't use sand in our home water filters. Instead our water purification systems use carbon filters and sub micron filters to filter out contaminates that consequent our water Supplies.

When finding for a home water law you need to read the specifications to find out what they filter out. One substance we need to filter out that the Afghanistan population don't need to concern themselves with is the chlorine our water firm puts in our water to kill the bacteria.

Chlorine is needed to kill the bacteria, but when left in the water it becomes a perilous contaminate to our bodies. According to the U.S. Council of EnvironMental Quality, "Cancer risk among population drinking chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not include chlorine." Thank goodness there are home water purification systems ready that will take off the chlorine from our water.

There are various types of water purification devices to purchase. Some of these include under counter models, counter top models, shower filters and whole house filters. Others that don't take off as many contaminates are water pitcher filters, water bottle filters, reverse osmosis and water distillation units. So beware what you are buying and check out what they take off from your water.

If you live in the U.S. You don't need a slow sand water filter like Afghanistan population do, but installing a home water purification law using carbon filtering and sub micron filtering is a wise choice for healthy drinking water.

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

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