Polar Insulated Water Bottle

 Polar Insulated Water Bottle

Polar Insulated Water Bottle

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Friday, September 14, 2012

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

Spring Water - The Truth

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

Spring water bottled water companies are very good about manipulating the image of their water and hiding the truth about purity.

Images about bubbling mountain springs, fresh water glacier run off, frothy fresh water streams and other scenes that imply clarity N �����Ѵਹ are nothing more than hype and spin that would make even the most seasoned politician blush.

There is a wealth of facts about spring water that the social should know:

· Spring waters fluctuate in capability because the aquifers from which they emanate are permanently in a state of change.

· Spring water companies rarely talk about "purity" rather they keep referring to "natural" inferring that "natural "means "healthy". Polluted rivers and streams are "natural" but clearly not healthy.

· If a spring water firm does claim to be 100% pure, that stateMent is misleading. The fact is that the "100% pure" refers not to the absence of impurities in the water, but to the source of the water itself. That is, 100% of the water in the bottle came from an inexpressive source (i.e. A spring), rather than from a covering water source.

· Spring water companies claim that their springs are "protected" but this tern needs additional definition. The springs are not protected from contamination like acid rain, industrial pollution (Tce, Benzene, Perchlorinate, Mtbe, Teflon Pfoa, nitrates, fertilizers and a host of other pollutants.) The springs are only protected against unwanted visitors.

· If it is processed it is ordinarily only Filtered to take off large particles.

· Many springs produce water that include so many impurities the water will not even meet municipal tap water standards.

· Most spring water bottlers avoid issuing bottled water pathology reports because of the requisite contamination that these reports would show.

· Most companies do not bottle at the source instead trucking the water to market.

Purified Water-The Truth

Purified water is water that is processed ordinarily by a steam distillation/oxygenation process that is regulated and tested by the Food and Drug manageMent of the Federal GovernMent. The standards are the toughest in the manufactures - in order to qualify as "purified water" the water must test 99.9% pure.

· Purified water represents the Fastest growing segment of the bottled water manufactures mainly because it's purer than other types of waters. There is a specific condition trend today toward healthy living and many condition known consumers buy because they want something that's of a higher capability and clarity N �����Ѵਹ than other options like tap water.

· To meet the legal definition of "purified water", water impurities must be removed to meet the U.S. Pharmacopeia definition (99.9% pure) adopted by the Food and Drug Administration.

· Purified water must be tested and the results made available to the public. Any reputable purified bottled water provider will produce testing reports upon request.

· The most sufficient process for purification of water is a steam distillation/ozonation process that creates pure, good tasting water. It produces water that is 100% water and 0% everything else.

· Purified water suppliers have their water tested at regular intervals and the tests are available upon request. Unlike spring water companies, purified water companies are happy to share their test results.

When you assess purified water against spring water the truth is revealed: If you want water that contains contaminants, is based upon hype, word parsing and marketing exaggeration - then drink spring water. If you want to drink water that is 100% pure and provides a healthy lifestyle for you and your house - drink purified water.

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

Drinking water bottles are ubiquitous in the U.S. - and in many other developed countries as well. Children carry drinking water bottles to school. Parents carry drinking water bottles as they commute to work, children's soccer games, etc. Some habitancy have begun carrying drinking water bottles to church with them. Athletes always seem to have a drinking water bottle with them.

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"


A major infer for using drinking water bottles is the convenience they offer. Water can be taken almost anywhere. Drinking water bottles involve diminutive cost, and their loss is not a problem. When they are empty, they need not be carried home. They can naturally be settled in a recycle bin or other waste disposal.

What happens, though, when drinking water bottles are not recycled?

The Danger

Disposing of drinking water bottles is the best idea, but many habitancy refill them. If they empty the bottle while jogging, they stop and refill it at a water fountain. If they have a Filter at home, they refill drinking water bottles from the Filter. At work, they may refill a drinking water bottle from the water cooler. Each time, they may be putting healthy drinking water into the bottle, but is this a safe practice? Or is there danger in refilling disposable drinking water bottles?

The danger is not, as claimed by an old internet urban legend, that the bottles will break down into carcinogenic compounds. That plastic scare originated with the master's thesis of an undergraduate learner who did not show the way sufficient scientific study before publishing his thesis. Usfda standards control the type of plastic used for bottled water.

Can plastic drinking water bottles break down? Can plastic leach into the water when you refill them? Possibly. It is said that some bottles, even those popular ,favorite by the Usfda, do nothing else but leach into water - even before you open the bottle.


Although your plastic drinking water bottles may not break down into cancer-causing compounds, and may not leach plastic into your water, they do comprise bacteria. Bacteria can grow and reproduce rapidly in an empty plastic drinking water bottle.

Consider this. Each time you take a drink from that drinking water bottle, you deposit bacteria from your mouth on the rim of the bottle. If you refill the bottle without washing it, you naturally flush the bacteria into your water. The question is compounded if the bottle is empty for a while, and allowed to get warm. Bacteria then have an ideal environMent for reproduction.

But They Are My Bugs

Many (not all) of the bacteria are nothing else but from your mouth. However, in your system, your body regulates them at reasonable levels. Bacteria in the drinking water bottle are no longer regulated. They can reproduce rapidly. In addition, other germs will enter the bottle from the Air, mingling with those from your mouth.

Washing Helps

Washing the bottle thoroughly will destroy most of the bacteria. The bottle must be washed after each use, before refilling. You must wash the neck of the bottle and the whole inside. This means you cannot stop for a refill at the drinking fountain in the park. You cannot refill it at the water cooler and take it back to your desk. The only way to have healthy drinking water is to use drinking water bottles only once, or wash them thoroughly before refilling.

Since very hot water is the best way to get the bottle clean, a dishwasher is recomMended. You will have to place the bottle on the top rack, since the plastic is not designed for high temperature. When the wash cycle ends, remove your drinking water bottle immediately before the dry cycle can begin.

Freeze Out

Finally, when you take the clean drinking water bottle from your dishwasher, place it into the freezer immediately. This will keep germs from getting into the bottle. It will also keep mold from forming. When you are ready to use it, take the clean drinking water bottle from the freezer, fill, and cap.

Disposable plastic drinking water bottles are convenient, but don't reduce your health.

Drinking Water Bottle "Bugs"

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

"Fizzy Faith" is a marvelous Bible object part for kids which uses a handful of everyday household items to teach an important Biblical Truth. A comparison in the middle of plain water and sparkling water can expound our lives before meeting Christ and now.

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

Related Scriptures:

2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:1

Objects Needed:

One plastic bottle of water; one plastic bottle of Sprite or 7-Up-enough to give the whole class a full glass. Two clear drinking glasses, either plastic or glass. Small cups-enough for each child to have one.

Bible Object part for Kids:

The apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "If whatever is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things have passed away; behold, new things have come." It's sort of like these two bottles here.

Hold up water in left hand, soda in right hand.

In my left hand, I have a bottle of water. Have a student open the bottle.

Let's pour some in a glass. Have the student take the bottle and pour some in a cup. Tell the student to sit back down.

In my right hand, I have a bottle of Sprite. Let's pour some of that in a glass. Have an additional one student take the bottle and break the seal on the cap. This time stop her.

Did you hear that? What kind of a noise did that bottle just make? They should reply that the fizz created a squirting noise.

This bottle sounds more "alive" than the plain water, didn't it? Have the student pour some soda into the other cup.

What is this liquid doing that the other didn't do? It's sizzling and sparkling. Have the student sit down.

Before we give our lives to Jesus, we're a puny like this plain water. We look okay, but we're kind of bland. We're kind of boring.

After we give our lives to Jesus, we're more like this soda pop. We sparkle. We come alive.

Now let's notice something about the two glasses. If we don't touch either for a puny or so...do they look sort of the same? Yes, they look very much the same. They're both clear. But one makes a sparkle every once in a while.

Often times in life, Christians look very much the same as other people. But when it comes time to show the love of Jesus in our lives, we tend to sparkle. How do we do that? How do we get the power to look more sparkly than others? God fills us with his love and power, which makes us different.

Colossians 3:1 says it very well: "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sets at the right hand of God... Set your affections on things above, not on things of the earth." If we convention that all the time, we will sparkle.

So, once God fills us, one of two things can happen. Put the lid on the bottle.

We can keep our sparkle or... Take the lid off again and toss it to a student.

What happens when we leave the cap off a bottle of pop overnight? It loses its sparkle.

It becomes like the water again, doesn't it? No sparkle? Who wants to drink flat soda? As Christians, we want to keep our sparkle. Ask for the cap back from the student and hold it up.

If we're going to act like new creations, we have to take care to preserve our sparkle. We have to ask for God's protection.

The bottle cap is like God's protection. We have to put it on... We have to ask God for it. Put the cap on the bottle but leave it loose.

Pray, "Father, I ask that you protect our Christian sparkle. Help us to resist temptation when we're with kids who are doing things you wouldn't like..." Screw the lid on with one twist.

"Father, help us remember to speak with you every day so that you can make us stronger." Give the lid an additional one twist.

"Use us, Father, so that others may know you because we sparkle from your love and power." Give the lid a final twist.


Pass out cups. And of course it's certainly important when you're God's new creation, that you share your sparkle with others!

Put some sprite into the cups and have a drink together to celebrate a victorious Bible object lesson.

Bible Object Lessons for Kids: "Fizzy Faith" Bottle Cap part

Friday, July 6, 2012

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

Plastic water bottles are the only material in the liquor and beverage business that keeps on piling up worldwide. There are quite a few reasons why this situation seems to be too difficult to contain; from the demand, waste supervision to lack of awareness. These are just a few things you might want to consider before getting the next gulp of refreshMent.

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

It started from a need for simple convenience. Products such as plastic water bottles, plastic cups even plastic salad bowls and the like have a huge inquire primarily because of its convenience. Habitancy who are always on the go prefer these plastic containers, which can be truly tossed in the trash after use. It makes them favorable because plastics seem to be the cheapest type of beverage container if we are to value it on a short-term basis. Compared to any type of re-usable water containers, disposable plastics are the cheapest and most favorable container most of us rely on. an additional one thing is that it's cheaper than our time. We seem to barely have a dinky to breathe, much less to wash those re-usable bottles after each use. Or carry them along with our laptop, docuMents and other daily work essentials. I can't even count anymore how many re-usable mugs and bottles I've constantly lost, one after another; I keep on misplacing them somewhere. Plastic water bottles just seem so favorable to use. Whether it's a morning rush or all day rush; all it takes is to just buy, drink and toss.

Plastic wastes supervision is a big dilemma. A plastic bottle, once used has to be disposed. It cannot be used again due to its condition hazards. There has been many studies and explore that proves how re-using plastic water containers can harm our health. What happens then to used bottles once tossed away? Plastic water bottles cannot be used again but it truly takes centuries to degrade them. There is always the choice to recycle these used water bottles in to an additional one commodities that doesn't have direct touch with Food, water or other beverages; products like tables, chAirs, drawers and such. However, these products couldn't cover the level of wastes from used plastic water bottles. Plastic water bottles are consumed every day by the majority of the Habitancy while the inquire for its recycled products if any is a just mere fraction of it. There are almost 38 million water bottles a year that goes to trash in the Us alone but only 20% of them are recycled. Best of all, our preference for bottled waters necessitates almost 41 million gallons of oil for every 1 million plastic water bottles. In fact, 90% of costs in producing bottled waters list for the bottling alone.

These wastes in the environment are manufacture its presence known to many straight through its devastating effects that manifests in the ecosystem. It directly affects our lives and those of our children in ways that are very difficult to reverse. However, we need not add more to the existing problem. We can stop from here while finding solutions to the existing challenge. And that is one of the best reasons to help spread awareness to others. A simple change of preference, one step at a time while encouraging others to consider the same is the first and a very indispensable action.

Plastic Water Bottles - Convenience Costs More Than We Know

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

In spite of its easy availability and cost-effectiveness, the virtues of rose water are often underplayed. Rose Water holds an important place in aromatherapy and spa-treatMent but it can have many more uses if given a place on the Dresser or the kitchen!

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

The aroma of rose water stimulates our sensations and relaxes the mind. It is one scent which never goes "out of fashion" because it is essentially the scent of nature. The Egyptians were the first to observe the versatile uses of rose water. Considerable rose oil is said to have aphrodisiac effects and it was used by none other than the always in vogue attractiveness Cleopatra to seduce her lover Anthony. She bathed in a tub brimming with ass's milk and rose petals to lend that infamous glow to her skin. While in contemporary times, we may not be able to indulge in such luxuries, we can nothing else but accommodate this magical elixir in our health and attractiveness regime.

In Indian culture, rose water is used on all auspicious occasions and on alters because of its cleansing properties and soothing aroma. It is widely used in Indian and Mediterranean cuisines, especially in sweets and desserts owing to its reputation as a digestive agent. Many exotic desserts like the Arabic Muhallabia, the Greek Pastries and the Indian Rasgulla are all enhanced with the delicate flavor of rose water. Although it may take an acquired taste, rose water can be used to flavor coarse daily consumables like milk, cereal, fruit-juices, and custards (let your dream take over...).

Preserved rose petals are widely used in the Indian "Pan"- a betel leaf stuffed with natural mouth fresheners and flavorings to be served after meals to aid digestion. A rash of rose water in lemonade can work wonders for a disturbed gastric theory and can also be used as a refreshing summer drink. Rose water is also a natural anti-inflammatory tonic and can be applied as a topical medicine for sunburns and allergic skin. A few capfuls of rose water in bathwater work as well as aromatherapy and leave you smelling fresh and feeling rejuvenated.

Rose Water can be mixed with home-made and powdered face packs to tone the skin and clear it of blemishes. Even by itself, it makes for a great natural toner- especially when refrigerated and dabbed over the face in hot summers. It can be used in compound with different ingredients for different skin types:

For oily/acne prone skin: Mix rose water with some fuller's earth and few drops of lemon juice for a deep-pore cleansing treatMent. Leave it on till it dries and wash off with cold water.
For Dry Skin: Mix together rose water, milk and honey with some oatmeal to form a paste and use it as a nourishing face pack.

For sensitive skin: If you find your skin rough and itchy even after using the most expensive products, try moisturizing it with a compound of rose water and glycerin in equal proportions. It soothes the skin and clears blemishes too!

For general Skin: Add rose water to any fruit based pack with some honey for a natural glow.

The effects and goodness of Rose water are enhanced only when it is unadulterated. In all right, the genuine stock ought to be pure and undiluted, not containing any preservatives, additives or synthetic ingredients. To get rose water in its purest form, it may also be made at home, though it is a tad time challenging and tedious. Boil rose petals in a container and distill the vapor in a clean, sterilized bottle. Make sure the roses used are organically grown without ant pesticide or chemical fertilizers as these will finally end up on your face and stomach.

The Rose has forever been a sticker of attractiveness and exotica. What could be better than being able to digest its goodness without owning a rose organery and in the ease of your home? Rose water is one of the few products which are effective, versatile and don't burn a hole in your pocket. Keep a bottle handy and enjoy its natural and holistic value. Sooth your senses with the aroma of roses and lose yourself in their blissful eleMent.

Things You Can Do With Rose Water

Monday, May 21, 2012

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

If your clean water dilemma is how to clean water marks from glass vases, you're just touching the tip of this iceberg. If your water is clean, should it leave water marks on glass vases?

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

Secret: You can clean water marks from glass vases. I don't guarantee this will work on every vase, and urge you to use these ideas at your own risk, but here they are. Mix equal parts of cold tea with vinegar, and dissolve a denture cleaner tablet in the mixture. Or fill the vase with water and drop in 2 Alka Seltzer tablets. Soak your vase overnight in either solution, rinse, and dry.

Ten Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

1. Clean water is vital to the human body.

The human body is 50 to 70 per cent water, and needs a regular Supply of clean water to contend health. We need clean drinking water. We need clean water for Cooking and production beverages. Wholesome eating and clean water go hand in hand. We must work to clean water worldwide in order to contend adequate sources to Supply this need.

2. Clean water is vital to our Food.

If we fail to clean water and keep it clean, we will be shut up to a diet of contaminated Food. Not only Fish, but other meats, fruits, and vegetables will deliver contamination to us. If we want healthful, clean Fish to leap forth from rivers, streams, and oceans, we will have to clean water. If we want healthful, organic produce, we will have to clean water used to irrigate produce.

3. Clean water is vital to human health.

Clean drinking water is vital to health, yet the Un and the World condition organization (Who) record that 1.1 billion habitancy around the globe lack access to clean drinking water. The condition consequences are devastating. The Un attributes 2.2 million deaths annually to poor water and sanitation. If we clean water, Supply best sanitation, and teach habitancy how to keep water clean, future generations can enjoy longer and healthier lives.

4. Clean water is needful for water sports.

A swimmer in clean water is safe from illnesses and diseases produced by contaminated and toxic water. A surfer does not have to fear swallowing water in a wipe out. Boaters and others who use our water for recreation can relax without concern about pollutants. Yet, 27 years after the passage of the 1972 Clean Water Act, 40% of our rivers, lakes, and estuaries were still too polluted for safe swimming and similar water sports.

5. Clean water is needful for Fish and other wildlife species.

As humans, we must think the needs of fish, whales, water fowl, and other wildlife species that live in water. We must clean water when there are oil spills, of course, but we must also work to clean water flowing into our oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams. We must clean water for wildlife that does not live in the water, but depends on clean water for condition and cleanliness.

6. We need to clean water to cut down on our carbon footprint.

The emissions complicated in producing bottled water are astounding. Pablo Päster, Sustainability Engineer and Mba, did a approved and exhaustive study of the cost of bringing a single liter of Fiji Water to America. He found that bottlers use nearly seven times as much water to bottle it than you positively drink. The total amount of water used to yield and deliver one bottle of imported water is 6.74 kg! In the process of production the bottle, getting water into the bottle, and delivering it to you, 250g of Ghg emissions were released.

7. We need to clean water to cut down on refuse.

Each plastic drinking-water bottle takes hundreds of years to biodegrade in a landfill. Many plastic drinking-water bottles litter the countryside. Some will be recycled, but the recycling process is said to pollute the environMent with toxic carcinogens. If we clean water so that it is truly free of contaminants, additives, bacteria, and virus, habitancy are less likely to rely on bottled water.

8. Clean rain and Snow are not givens.

Rain is just one step in the water cycle. Pure rain does not automatically fall straight through the universe, Filtered by the climate and delivered from pure clouds. Neither does pure Snow. The rain, snow, and other precipitation we receive find their way into the sky from bodies of water on earth. If we fail to clean water on earth, we will have increasingly polluted precipitation. Polluted precipitation is harmful to everyone and everything on which it falls.

9. We need clean water for all-around cleanliness.

Whether it's your laundry in the MayTAG washer, your carpeting beneath the cleaning machine, or your body under the shower, clean water is needful for all-around cleanliness. From early preschool years onward, children are taught allowable hygiene - and it depends on clean water.

10. The consequences of inadequate access to clean water are too great.

Many have expressed growing concern that water wars are more likely in the future than current battles for oil. Where access to clean water is the very essence of life, "no water" may mean "no peace." A failure to clean water now may supervene in global warfare for future generations.

You may be able to add more reasons. You may substitute separate reasons, but the lowest line is still the same. We need to clean water.

It is wiser, and less costly, to keep water clean than to try to clean water that has come to be dirty and polluted. Will we design such wisdom for the remaining clean water we have?

10 Reasons Why We Need to Clean Water

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Make Wine At Home

How To Make Wine At Home

Making wine at home is not difficult, and it is a very rewarding hobby. In this article, we will go straight through the tool needed and all the steps you take to make wine from fruit - grapes, apples, plums, pears, peaches, or whatever fruit you have.

How To Make Wine At Home

How To Make Wine At Home

How To Make Wine At Home

How To Make Wine At Home

How To Make Wine At Home

You can also make wine at home from a kit, commonly using grape concentrate, but the results are very variable, and it is much more satisfying to make wine from fresh fruit.

You probably belief of home wine making because you have your own fruit, or have been given some, or because fruit is in season in your area and you can get it very cheaply. making wine is a great way of using fruit when you cannot perhaps eat it all, or make all of it into jam, or frost it all.

I have made wine successfully from many kinds of fruit, including grapes, apples, apricots, plums (many varieties), quinces, pears and peaches. Make sure you discard all rotten or intuit fruit right at the start.

Assuming you have your fruit ready, here are the tool and Supplies you need.

With this all collected, result these steps to make your wine.

Get your juice

People beginning out with home fruit wine making often wonder how much fruit they authentically need. Here is a tip I have found works - you need enough juice to fill the glass ferMentation vessel you are using - your carboy or demijohn. Some recipes advocate watering your fruit juice to make up the quantity you need, but never do this. Use pure juice and your wine will be full-flavored and satisfying to drink.

You will whether press the fruit, squeeze it by hand or use an electric juicer. If squeezing by hand (soft plums for example) you will need a large stainless steel or plastic container. If you have hard fruit like apples or hard plums, and electric juicer is a good investMent if you don't own one already. You can also cut up the fruit and boil it in a minute water to citation the juice, but this degrades the flavor of the final wine. If you have grapes, you can try trampling them with your feet in the original manner. Some fruits can be cut up and left to soak for a few days in a minute water to citation the flavor and color from the skin.

Some fruit, like apples, throw a great froth after juicing and you will have to siphon the juice out after the froth has risen to the top.

Note that mixed fruit wines are very successful. If you have only a few apricots but a lot of apples, mix the juice to make up your gallon.

Add the sugar

Some fruit juice, like very sweet grape juice, will not need the increasing of any sugar. Most other fruit wines will need sugar to be added. I commonly add 2 pound of sugar to make up one gallon of fruit juice. If you prefer a drier wine, you can reduce this amount. This is the intuit it is better to use some smaller glass vessels when beginning with home fruit wine making - you can vary the estimate of sugar in each (record this by writing on the carboy with a felt pen); when you eventually come to drink the wines, you will know which style in the middle of dry, medium and sweet that you prefer. More sugar also means more Food for the yeast, and so more alcoholic wine at the end of the process.

Add the sugar by warming the fruit juice slightly in a stainless steel pan, and stirring in the sugar to dissolve it.

Add the yeast

Sterilize your carboy or demijohn with sterilizing solution, or boiling water. Put the sugared fruit juice into your vessel. Dissolve the powdered yeast in a minute warm water and sugar in a cup, and leave it for a few minutes to activate. Then add the yeast to the fruit juice. Put your Air lock on the vessel.

Fermentation of the fruit juice should begin soon, and you will see bubbles in the Air lock. This means the yeast is converting the sugar to alcohol.

Watch and wait

Put your fermentation vessel in a warm place if possible. Ideally you should leave the wine fermenting for nine months to a year. If you drink it after only a month or two it will taste rough and poor; leaving it for about a year will let it mellow out - this authentically makes a difference. As fermentation goes on, you will consideration a white layer appear at the lowest of the fermentation vessel. This is formed by dead yeast cells. You can 'rack', or siphon the wine into a new vessel, which stops the wine becoming tainted with a yeasty aftertaste. You should do this once a month.

Bottle your wine

If the wine has not clarified, and you want it to be fully clear before bottling, leave the vessel in a very cold place for a week or so, and the clarity should improve.

When the fermentation has stopped (no bubbles advent straight through the Air lock) you can bottle the wine and cork the bottle. Remember to sterilize the bottles and corks before you use them. If you will be making a lot of wine, remember to label all the bottles with details of the fruit, the yeast variety used and date of bottling. If you make a superb batch, you can then try to replicate it in following years.

Drink up!

Few people can resist drinking a bottle at this sTAGe. But most fruit wines are at their best up to two years after bottling, so you can put a few bottles aside until you have some friends round, or have something to celebrate. There's nothing quite like drinking your own wine, made the way you like it!

How To Make Wine At Home

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

The three most coarse reasons for water leakage from heat pumps are dirty Filters or heat exchanging coils, blocked drains, and a shorTAGe of refrigerant. They are pretty uncomplicated to diagnose and repAir.

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Remember: Turn off the power source to your Air conditioner before trying any of the following!

1. Dirty Filters and or Blocked Heat Exchanger

When the filters, or heat exchanging coil, are dirty or blocked, this causes a restriction in Air flow. This in turn can then cause the climatic characteristic of the coil to drop. If the coil climatic characteristic drops below zero, moisture in the Air that is condensating on the coil can frost and form diminutive ice flakes which are then blown out of your air conditioner, causing water leakage.

Check the filters, and if they look dirty, give them a good clean with the hosepipe or shower head. Remove all the dirt and give them a spray with a kitchen or bathroom sanitary spray to kill any bacteria or mould on them.

Check the aluminum coil behind the filters. If it is covered in dry lint, try vacuuming the coil considered with the brush attachMent on your vacuum cleaner. If it is particularly dirty, you will need to use a orchad spray bottle and a strong grease removing kitchen cleaner. Spray it on the coil, allow to work for around 5 minutes then rinse the coil off with the spray bottle. This should Remove the dirt and enhance the air flow. Please be faithful not to spray water near to the electrical panel on the air conditioner.

Always read the manufacturers' manuals on how to clean your heat pump or air conditioner correctly!

2. Blocked Drains

On a wall mounted ductless air conditioner, a blocked drain can be pretty confident and easy to diagnose. Water will normally drip down the wall from the back of the unit and may also leak straight through the air outlet at the front if the drain is blocked.

Stand on a small ladder and look down from the top of the air conditioner. Towards the bottom of the heat exchanger is a diminutive plastic tray which is designed to catch the condensate produced by the cooling mode of the air conditioner. Check that this tray is not full of water or overflowing.

If your outdoor unit is directly behind the wall the indoor unit is mounted on, your drain pipe will likely supervene the pipework straight through the wall and drip into the garden. If this is the case, find the end of the drain pipe outside, wipe the end clean with a Cloth then blow as hard as you can into it. This should clear any blockages.

If you cannot clear the blockage yourself, or if it is buried inside the wall, you will need to phone a pro Hvac assistance company and book a assistance call.

3. Your Air Conditioner Has A Leak and Has Lost Refrigerant

If your air filters and heat exchanger are clean and you have lots of air flow, your air conditioner should deliver fullness of cool air. If it is struggling to cool the room for a few hours and then starts leaking water from the air vent it may be short on refrigerant.

Set your heat pump to the bottom setting possible and leave it to run for a diminutive while. Then check the heat exchanging coil underneath the filters. If it is covered in ice, your air conditioner has a leak and requires a pro to assistance it. If your air conditioner is leaking refrigerant, the leak will need to be found and fixed before it can have further refrigerant added to it.

If in doubt, or these tips don't work, sense your local air conditioning company for a service.

Stop Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

You are arresting sufficient to know that the purpose of most science fAir projects is to teach students how to use scientific methods to solve problems on their own. A science fAir task can allow students, parents, and teachers to make new discoveries together. One of those discoveries might be how clean your drinking water is.

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

Students may expect faucet water to be clean, but is it? A science fair task on testing drinking water can help them learn what is in the water they use. This form will help them and you conduct a drinking water test.

State Your Hypothesis

A good example might be, "If I test drinking water from dissimilar sources, which will I find to be the best for my health?" A poor example would be, "If I drink tap water, what happens?"

Background Research

Learn all that you can about what water may contain. Study the effects of varied contaminants, minerals, etc.

Develop a Drinking Water Test

What kind of drinking water test will you use? What kinds of drinking water will you test? Will you buy a kit, or simply order suitable test materials? How will you derive the water to be sure you do not turn its content?

What You Need for Drinking Water Tests

Students will need Colorimetric test strips for many drinking water tests. Kits are ready from science fair websites. Water Safe Drinking Water Test is an Epa standardized, laboratory certified straightforward kit that identifies harmful levels of 8 dissimilar base contaminants in water: bacteria, chlorine, lead, nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, pH, and water hardness.

Predict Results

Write out a prediction of what you expect. Will your city tap water be the best water for your health? Should your house pay money to drink only bottled water? What do you predict your drinking water test will reveal?

Conduct Your Drinking Water Test

Students may pick from many drinking water tests. Here are a few inherent tests. Younger students may want to use only one. Older students may consolidate a series of drinking water tests.

1. Basic: A basic drinking water test might allow students to test water for alkalinity, chlorine (both free and total), nitrate and nitrite, pH, and water hardness. What is the basic make-up of your water?

2. Bacteria: Along with a basic drinking water test, you might test for bacteria in the water. Water from a drinking fountain may show bacteria that derive on the bubbler and wash into the water.

3. City Water: What is in municipal drinking water? You can use the basic drinking water tests above, but check, too, for metals and sediMent. Are corroding pipes contaminating the water?

4. Well Water: Since the governMent does not test underground wells, there may be contaminants in the water taken from them. What might you find? Would you expect more sediMent or less? Would your drinking water test be likely to find pesticides if the well is near a farm or orchad where they are used?

5. Bottled Water: Is bottled water legitimately pure? Is it great than tap water or worse? Run a drinking water test on it and see what you find.

6. Water Cooler: If your water cooler is typical, a large five-gallon bottle is turned upside down into the drinking water crock. Might there be germs on the bottle top? Will a drinking water test show up these germs?

7. Pet Water Bowl: Pet drinking water tests will show you what your pet's water contains. The pet bowl should not be cleaned right before the test. Allowing your pet to drink from it will show whether or not the water is still pure sufficient for humans.

Repeat Your Drinking Water Test

A good scientist repeats tests to be sure the results are the same. You will not have spoton results if you run your drinking water test only once.


Analyze the results of your tests. Which water is purer? Which one tastes better, looks better, and smells better? From your analysis, do you think your prediction will hold up?

Arrive at Conclusions

Draw conclusions from your drinking water test. Look at all the evidence and rule what it means in regard to salutary drinking water.

1. Which water contains the fewest contaminants?

2. Which water contains the fewest bacteria?

3. Which water is best for your health?

Prepare Your Display

Decide early how the display will look and leave plentifulness of time to faultless it. Will you have photographs? Will you have clear glasses containing water samples? How will you display used test strips?

Most science fair projects wish a display board to review your work to others. A three-panel display board that is 36" tall by 48" wide when unfolded is standard. On your board, include these elements.

1. Title: Make it catchy - and big sufficient to read from across a room.

2. Hypothesis and research: institute your information from top to bottom, left to right, as though you were planning a newspaper page. Put Hypothesis and Study information on the left side of your board.

3. Materials and procedures: Place this information just under your title in the middle of the board.

4. Data / Charts / Photos: These go at the lowest of the center part of your board.

5. Results and conclusions: The right side of your board holds the final information about your drinking water test.

A science fair task on testing drinking water can be arresting and exciting, suitable for any age student. The results may surprise everyone.

Science Fair task on Testing Drinking Water

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ways to Use Holy Water

Ways to Use Holy Water

Using Holy Water each day is a fantastic practice. It can keep you and your home clear of dense energies and allow you to function in a highly vibrating area that raises your energy level and helps life flow more easily.

Ways to Use Holy Water

Ways to Use Holy Water

Ways to Use Holy Water

Ways to Use Holy Water

Ways to Use Holy Water

  1. Sprinkle it on your head or place some over your Third Eye. Use the typical pulse points you might use with perfume and place it there and everywhere you feel you need help medical or recharging.
  2. Sprinkle it colse to your home, especially on the thresholds of doors and in the corners of rooms.
  3. Flick it with a fresh cut flower to add the essence of the flower too.
  4. Place an open container of Hw under the bed of anyone who is ill.
  5. Place is under the bed of children who have nightmares or are frightened of the spirits they see.
  6. Cleanse and clear objects and jewelry. Allow them to dry naturally. If the salt or water will damage them, use an additional one recipe such as a Singing Bowl.
  7. Put it into the laundry while the final rinse so make sure all the dense energies are drained away.
  8. Wash your floors, the walls, the kitchen cabinet and sink and the bathrooms to raise the energy in the house.
  9. Wash the door frames of your house, especially when there are fingerprints.
  10. Wash down your porch and steps to clear the energies entering your home.
  11. Spray it about the house with a hand sprayer.
  12. A quick spritz about your body will clear out your aura and help allege your energy while the day.
  13. Deionize your home by spraying Holy Water all colse to electronics being meticulous not to get it into the equipMent.
  14. Make a purifying bath by adding some Holy Water.
  15. Use it in your pet's bath.
  16. If you are feeling depressed or lethargic, put a few drops of Hw into a freshly opened bottle of water. Replace the cap and give it a few polite shakes. straight through the ideas of homeopathy, the enTire bottle will become expensed from just a few drops. Drink the enTire bottle.
  17. Put one or two drops into your pet's water bowl.
  18. Place an open container of Holy Water into the center of the home (Where children and pets can't get into it and it won't spill.) if there are conflicts or a modern arguMent.
  19. Use it to cleanse and purify your ritual tools.
  20. Use Holy Water to clean your hands before beginning any sacred or medical work.

Ways to Use Holy Water

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

A slow sand water Filter is used in many developing countries for treating raw water to yield a usable product. This water filtration formula uses biological processes to clean water without using pressure. Here in the United States we use carbon and sub micron filtration to yield potable water.

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices

The benefit of a slow sand water Filter is they want wee or no mechanical power. Developing countries without electricity find this a valuable law to help give clean water to the poor who would otherwise not have drinking water. So in a country like Afghanistan who has a very high rate of child mortality, due to diarrhea from poor drinking water, a home a water Filter using sand is very beneficial.

Even though here in the U.S. A water firm filters our water before it gets to our home, reports show there is still contamination in our water. Thus we have a need to use a home water-purifying system.

The home water treatMent systems ready to us are found in many home improveMent market or over the Internet. We don't use sand in our home water filters. Instead our water purification systems use carbon filters and sub micron filters to filter out contaminates that consequent our water Supplies.

When finding for a home water law you need to read the specifications to find out what they filter out. One substance we need to filter out that the Afghanistan population don't need to concern themselves with is the chlorine our water firm puts in our water to kill the bacteria.

Chlorine is needed to kill the bacteria, but when left in the water it becomes a perilous contaminate to our bodies. According to the U.S. Council of EnvironMental Quality, "Cancer risk among population drinking chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not include chlorine." Thank goodness there are home water purification systems ready that will take off the chlorine from our water.

There are various types of water purification devices to purchase. Some of these include under counter models, counter top models, shower filters and whole house filters. Others that don't take off as many contaminates are water pitcher filters, water bottle filters, reverse osmosis and water distillation units. So beware what you are buying and check out what they take off from your water.

If you live in the U.S. You don't need a slow sand water filter like Afghanistan population do, but installing a home water purification law using carbon filtering and sub micron filtering is a wise choice for healthy drinking water.

Slow Sand Water Filter and Home Water Filters - Both Wise Choices