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Friday, September 14, 2012

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

Spring Water - The Truth

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water

Spring water bottled water companies are very good about manipulating the image of their water and hiding the truth about purity.

Images about bubbling mountain springs, fresh water glacier run off, frothy fresh water streams and other scenes that imply clarity N �����Ѵਹ are nothing more than hype and spin that would make even the most seasoned politician blush.

There is a wealth of facts about spring water that the social should know:

· Spring waters fluctuate in capability because the aquifers from which they emanate are permanently in a state of change.

· Spring water companies rarely talk about "purity" rather they keep referring to "natural" inferring that "natural "means "healthy". Polluted rivers and streams are "natural" but clearly not healthy.

· If a spring water firm does claim to be 100% pure, that stateMent is misleading. The fact is that the "100% pure" refers not to the absence of impurities in the water, but to the source of the water itself. That is, 100% of the water in the bottle came from an inexpressive source (i.e. A spring), rather than from a covering water source.

· Spring water companies claim that their springs are "protected" but this tern needs additional definition. The springs are not protected from contamination like acid rain, industrial pollution (Tce, Benzene, Perchlorinate, Mtbe, Teflon Pfoa, nitrates, fertilizers and a host of other pollutants.) The springs are only protected against unwanted visitors.

· If it is processed it is ordinarily only Filtered to take off large particles.

· Many springs produce water that include so many impurities the water will not even meet municipal tap water standards.

· Most spring water bottlers avoid issuing bottled water pathology reports because of the requisite contamination that these reports would show.

· Most companies do not bottle at the source instead trucking the water to market.

Purified Water-The Truth

Purified water is water that is processed ordinarily by a steam distillation/oxygenation process that is regulated and tested by the Food and Drug manageMent of the Federal GovernMent. The standards are the toughest in the manufactures - in order to qualify as "purified water" the water must test 99.9% pure.

· Purified water represents the Fastest growing segment of the bottled water manufactures mainly because it's purer than other types of waters. There is a specific condition trend today toward healthy living and many condition known consumers buy because they want something that's of a higher capability and clarity N �����Ѵਹ than other options like tap water.

· To meet the legal definition of "purified water", water impurities must be removed to meet the U.S. Pharmacopeia definition (99.9% pure) adopted by the Food and Drug Administration.

· Purified water must be tested and the results made available to the public. Any reputable purified bottled water provider will produce testing reports upon request.

· The most sufficient process for purification of water is a steam distillation/ozonation process that creates pure, good tasting water. It produces water that is 100% water and 0% everything else.

· Purified water suppliers have their water tested at regular intervals and the tests are available upon request. Unlike spring water companies, purified water companies are happy to share their test results.

When you assess purified water against spring water the truth is revealed: If you want water that contains contaminants, is based upon hype, word parsing and marketing exaggeration - then drink spring water. If you want to drink water that is 100% pure and provides a healthy lifestyle for you and your house - drink purified water.

The Truth About Bottled Spring Water vs Purified Water